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Individual therapy is a form of therapy in which the client

is treated on a one-on-one basis with a therapist.  Individual

therapy allows the therapist and client to focus on each

other, building a rapport and working together to explore

and resolve life challenges.



Benefits of Individual Therapy


Individual therapy can help you:

  • Have a safe and friendly listener; someone who is non-judgmental & supportive

  • Speak with a skilled & interested professional about your fears & concerns

  • Talk in confidence about troubling or private concerns

  • Understand your own thoughts, feelings & responses better​ as well as feel better about yourself

  • Think about relationship issues, understand your loved ones better and feel more connected with people in your life

  • Reduce stress and feel more at peace

  • Work through problems with a skilled & compassionate professional

  • identify goals for living the kind of life you would like to live

  • Learn new behaviors and/or responses which may help you achieve your goals

  • Work towards greater fulfillment and mastery in your life

  • Develop new perspectives and life skills so that you can free yourself from habitual patterns of anxiety, depression, and self-criticism.

  • Address addictive behaviors including substance abuse and relationship issues

  • Learn to take responsibility and move forward in your life rather than feeling stuck, helpless and hopeless.





ReInvent Your Life

Enhance Your Skills Base

Build Strong Relationships

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