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I've known Barbara for over 25 years. She is committed and caring. She is unmatched in integrity. I value her opinion and know that I can always count on an honest assessment of a situation. We are sorority sisters and co-parents, and I am honored to call her friend.

-Kuri Mansa

 “Ever since the age of 13 I can remember living a life of some peace, some comfort, confusion and some pain. But at the end of the day, if it wasn’t for Ms. Barbara as my foster mother, who knows where my life would have been in the future. I’m alive, well, happy and about to take a big step in my life by joining the military. To get to this courageous point in my life Ms. Barbara helped me emotionally, mentally and spiritually by supporting me through the ups and downs twist and turns. She has been patient and understanding at times when I wasn’t sure I would make it.  I can say she is the woman of the year.” 


DSM – Former Foster Child - 2005-2010

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